

Prepare for a Rewarding Profession that Changes Lives


This 3-year program is designed to serve students with a range of life experiences, reflecting the community they will ultimately serve. 你将接触到各种治疗心理健康的方法,并在不同的环境中帮助客户和社区.


Both the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and the Marriage, Couple & Family Counseling (MCFC) concentrations in the program are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)该认证由美国高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)认可. Read more about our program in our MA in Counseling Student Handbook.

Why earn your MA in Counseling at St. 爱德华的?

St. 爱德华的 offers small classes and convenient schedules, 杰出的教师, 奥斯汀的黄金地段, and relationships with employers who seek out our graduates. 我们无可挑剔的学术标准和个性化的方法准备你采取一个全新的成功水平.


Our highly accomplished faculty members are all practicing clinicians, consultants and mentors who teach from real-life cases and the latest insights. 他们会了解你,并在你在山顶的时候和之后成为值得信赖的顾问.


Pursue areas of counseling that interest you most — 从创伤和危机管理到人类性行为到成瘾咨询再到团体治疗. Explore innovative topics, such as art therapy, mindfulness and play therapy.


Learn in interactive, discussion-based classes with like-minded colleagues and professors who are well-connected in the field. 你将被鼓励在你的同学和奥斯汀精神保健社区之间建立网络.


在我们最先进的咨询师培训中心,与同学一起练习咨询场景并分析您的课程. 通过我们在奥斯汀的合作伙伴关系和校园咨询诊所,联系您所需的实习和实习机会.

A skyline view of downtown Austin, Texas.

On-Campus Counseling Clinic Supports Austin and Counseling Program

圣. 爱德华社区咨询诊所为奥斯汀社区提供低成本的咨询服务,并为咨询专业的学生提供与客户的实践培训. In sessions monitored by faculty via video, 学生可以亲自或在线提供一般的咨询服务,并获得有关他们技能的反馈.


咨询硕士课程提供教育和培训经验,为学生在各种环境中担任专业咨询师或婚姻和家庭治疗师做好准备, 包括医院, 住院治疗中心, 非营利性机构, 政府, for-profit organizations and private practice. A graduate’s career path could include:

  • Working with 成年人 and teens who suffer from addictions, eating disorders or depression
  • Counseling distressed couples and families
  • Providing counseling services within a nonprofit organization
  • Developing his or her own private practice

校友 of the MA in Counseling program at St. 爱德华夫妇在各种组织和私人执业中进一步发展他们的职业生涯. 这里有一个例子:

  • 整体护理
  • 石泉医院
  • Williamson County Juvenile Justice Center
  • 奥斯汀奥克斯医院
  • 特拉维斯县拘留中心
  • 矢车菊轨迹
  • Private Practice, Self-Employed

Explore Details 关于 the Master of Arts in Counseling

艺术咨询硕士学位的学生准备成为具有强大的道德基础和社会正义取向的专业咨询师. Program Director Melissa Alvarado explains how this St. 爱德华的课程为学生进入一个强大而充满活力的咨询硕士毕业生校友社区提供了优势. 看看这个有用的问题&A和阿尔瓦拉多.


Upon completion of the MA in Counseling program, graduates will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Knowledge and skills associated with professional orientation and ethics in counseling. 
  • 通过多元文化咨询理论了解社会和文化多样性,促进不同社区和心理健康环境的多样性.
  • Knowledge of systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, 功能和行为.
  • 与来访者建立治疗关系所必需的咨询技巧和性格. 
  • 了解各种心理咨询理论和模式,并开始制定自己的理论取向. 
  • 了解团体咨询流程,具备准备和促进团体咨询的能力
  • Understanding of career development, 包括理论, 评估, 职业生涯资源, and the interrelationship between career and other life roles.
  • Gaining and applying knowledge in the use of assessment in counseling.
  • 理解和应用定量和定性研究方法以及项目评估,以告知循证实践.
  • 在临床心理健康咨询(CMHC)的背景下解决各种情况所必需的知识.
  • Development of treatment plans, clinical documentation and conceptualization skills (CMHC).
  • 在婚姻的背景下处理各种各样的情况所必需的知识, couple and family counseling (MCFC).
  • Development of treatment plans, clinical documentation and conceptualization skills within the context of marriage, couple and family counseling (MCFC).
  • Appropriate counseling dispositions and behaviors expected of professional counselors.
  • 从持牌专业咨询师的德克萨斯州委员会申请临时许可证的学术要求, the Texas State Board of Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, 或两个. 

符合上述要求的学生将获得St. 爱德华的.


咨询硕士课程培养学生成为专业咨询师或婚姻家庭治疗师. 研究生s of the program may choose to focus on working with children, 青少年, 成年人, 家庭和/或夫妻, with the primary goal of helping clients address personal, 社会, educational or career challenges and improve their overall wellbeing.

成为一个 Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC),毕业生必须:

  • 通过国家咨询师考试(NCE),以满足德克萨斯州委员会对成为持牌专业咨询师的要求
  • 完成3,在董事会批准的监事(LPC- s)的指导下,持有临时执照(LPC助理),有000小时的监督现场经验

Our master’s in Counseling program has a 合格率95% for the National Counselor Exam (NCE).

成为一个 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), 毕业生必须:

  • Pass the state AMFRTB examination to fulfill the Texas state board requirement and
  • 完成3,拥有临时执照(LMFT Associate)和董事会批准的LMFT主管(LMFT- s)的研究生监督现场经验,000小时


The professional counseling programs at St. 爱德华大学教育, train and prepare highly skilled, 道德, 富有同情心的精神卫生专业人员以注重预防的人文价值观为基础, 健康, 个人成长, and a commitment to respecting and promoting human dignity.

Our programs emphasize the client-counselor relationship, 我们的课程反映了多种多样的理论观点,并指导学生发展自己的社区和临床实践框架.

我们的课程创造了一个变革性的环境,让学生在了解自己的社会位置和权力角色的情况下进入他们的领域, 特权, and difference within institutional, 社会, 亲密的, 治疗关系. 

St. 爱德华大学致力于社会公正,这体现在课程内容中,如与不同人群的咨询, pro-社会 autonomy across the lifespan, and community/professional advocacy for the populations we serve. These ideals and many more are fostered within a dynamic, 多模式学习环境,提倡批判性思维、知识和经验的创造和整合. 

The Master of Arts in Counseling program at St. 爱德华的 takes pride in creating life-long learners.
