Master’s in Digital Marketing 和 Analytics Boosts 研究生s’ Outcomes

数字营销与分析理学硕士 prepares students to make impactful 和 strategic business decisions in a quickly evolving field. 项目负责人 韦斯Pollitte 解释了St. 爱德华学院为毕业生提供了优势.

Why was the 数字营销与分析理学硕士 created?

在过去十年中, company leaders have realized they can analyze web data to determine what messages resonate best with audiences. What started as a specialty pursuit has become ubiquitous with most underst和ing the advantage of using analytics. 

的 current dem和 for skilled employees who know how to do digital marketing is exceeds the supply. 这是增长最快的行业之一. Some companies are hiring statisticians to work in this area because they know math – but they don’t know marketing. 的y run the numbers 和 h和 them to the marketing staff to make decisions.

We launched our program in 2018 to educate more professionals who underst和 the complete picture of the data, 分析和营销策略.


这是一个很好的说法. 数学就是科学. 的 art is the managerial intelligence of knowing how to apply the numbers – how to take this science 和 put together a marketing campaign. How to underst和 what the numbers are saying about what is going on in the consumer’s head 和 why.

理想的技能组合包括如何进行统计, 解释数据并使用它来做出商业决策. 你知道这些数字,你也知道它的含义.

With technology constantly changing, how does a professional in this field stay current?

Our students get plenty of h和s-on experience with software programs. But we’re constantly evaluating whether there are new, better, more relevant ones to learn. 我们替换那些没有被广泛使用的程序. 我们不断更新课程和作业.

我们的学生熟悉多种系统, 更重要的是, 他们学习如何解决统计问题的过程. 的y underst和 how to ask questions 和 get answers using software. 的 technology will change, but if you underst和 the methodology, you’ll be able to adapt.

作为一个使命驱动的机构,圣. 爱德华注重思想和心灵的双重教育. In a numbers-oriented field like analytics, what is the role of the heart?

If I’m a manager operating exclusively from a “mind” point of view, 我的决定只能基于利润最大化. 但我不需要这样做决定. 这并不是分析不可避免的副产品. “心”的视角问道, “我该如何处理这种合乎道德的分析, 让我的生意正常运转, 而且有社会公益的成分,与我的利润有关?”

Another of the values expressed in our mission statement is the dignity of the human person. Our students think about solutions that consider profits as well as the well-being of employees, 客户, 还有环境. 的y appreciate that we are grounded in the mission 和 that we emphasize ethics.

的 ideal skillset is a combination of knowing how to use statistical methods, 解释它们, 并用它们来做商业决策. 你了解这些数字,但你也了解它们的含义.

What are the ethical issues that a person in this field needs to consider?

当你在做分析时,你有一定程度的权力. Not everybody knows how to read the numbers 和 make sense of them. 你必须记住这一点, 作为分析师, you're viewed as an expert – 和 you don’t want to abuse the trust people have placed in you. 

有句格言说, “如果你做了足够的分析, 你可以用统计学得到任何你想要的答案.” But it’s not ethical to massage the data to generate a particular answer or to mislead or manipulate people with the numbers. 

我们和学生讨论可能发生这种情况的情景. A client might want to see certain results that just aren’t supported by the numbers. Or your boss might want to justify the launch of a new product – but the dem和 isn’t really there. 或者你可能从新产品的发布中获益. But you have to maintain your ethical compass 和 provide only factual 和 accurate information.


We have students coming directly from under研究生课程 who want to earn a master’s to augment their skills. 因此,我们甚至为圣. 爱德华的 the opportunity to experience graduate classes in popular courses such as Social Media Marketing 和 Digital Marketing Fundamentals as they near completion of their undergraduate degree. 

的 other group includes professionals with several years of experience who want to advance in their careers or make a career change into digital marketing because they think it’s interesting 和 know it’s a growing field.

共同点是我们的学生都很好奇. 人 who go into this field like to work through data 和 figure out an answer to a problem. If you’re really good at solving puzzles, you’ll enjoy this program.

学生们从St的位置中获得了什么. 课程上线时爱德华在奥斯汀?

We benefit from the reputation the university has built in the community 和 from our connections through 的 Bill Munday School of Business advisory board. 我们所有的教师都有网络安全方面的行业经验, 电子商务, 营销领导, 社交媒体管理, 和分析. This helps keep the program fresh because the people teaching courses know what’s happening in the industry. Faculty work directly with companies 和 connect our current 和 future students with these employers. It benefits our students, who build their network through these faculty. 

A number of our students intern at a company or work part-time while they are in the program 和 many are hired into full-time positions pretty quickly. Some students from outside Austin build connections through faculty that lead them to move here for an opportunity. Overall, our students do very well in transitioning into the job market.


我们提供小班授课, 教授的关注, 伦理基础, 和动手, 从实践经验中学习. St的关键区别在于. 爱德华的课程是学习如何分析数据 you develop the managerial insight to use it in business decisions.


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